The most upsetting thing

So I went grocery shopping at Safeway with my dad on Sunday. I picked up some essentials, you know, a lumberjack sandwich, a tub of ice cream, a box of donuts. They also have pie in their baked goods section. I noticed they had a key lime meringue pie. Obviously I had to get one.

That night, I had a very small piece of it. It was good. I was looking forward to having more the following day. I considered taking a piece to work with my lunch but then I would have had to find a container for it and I just couldn’t be bothered. Waiting until I got home the next day would be fine. Or so I thought.

When I came home yesterday, my family was watching Fear Factor. People were in a giant tub of cow’s blood and they had to put the cow’s hearts in their mouths. My only question was why? Seriously, why? Isn’t that highly unsanitary? Not to mention disgusting? Oh wait, I guess I do have more questions than why? Anyway, you would think that would have been the most upsetting thing I saw that day. But you would be wrong.

I went into the kitchen. Sitting on the counter was the foil dish that the pie had been on, as well as the cover. It was empty. Completely empty. I interrupted my family mid Fear Factor viewing to yell “You ate the entire pie?!!”. Seriously, I wasn’t even expecting anyone else to eat any of it, let alone the whole thing. My brothers sort of pointed to each other, blaming one another for having eaten it, or having eaten most of it. But yeah, seeing the empty pie dish was the most upsetting thing I saw yesterday. The awfulness of Fear Factor came in at a very close second.

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