
I like to write down my observations and my thoughts as I struggle through life.  I have an obsession with updating my facebook status several times a day and felt I should expand this into a blog.

I called it random and unnewsworthy because that pretty much sums up a lot of the stuff I write.  I don’t really have a specific theme as such, as I prefer having the freedom express whatever thoughts I so choose.  I write about anything and everything, including topics such as shopping, school, life, blogging, & the media.

If you’re interested in my opinion on TV shows & movies, check out my other blog http://whatarewewatching.wordpress.com/

9 thoughts on “About

  1. I forgot to mention in the Beautiful Blogger Post that if you accept the award, you can drag the award icon from my post to your desktop. Then you can upload it to your own post, or display it on your side bar.


  2. Pingback: Happy blogoversary to me! | Random and unnewsworthy

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