I don’t always take pictures of my food, but when I do, I post them on Facebook

Don’t you just hate those people who take pictures of their food?  It’s so unnecessary, right?  I mean the food is there for you to eat, not to look at.  I used to judge those people.  And lo and behold, I became one of them.  I don’t always take pictures of my food.  But when I do, I post them on Facebook.  I’m not one of those people who has to instagram every single thing she eats.  I don’t even have instagram actually.  Which is probably for the best.

If I’m eating something bland or unexciting, then I see no reason to have to share it with the world.  But when it’s some sort of unique concoction that I know people would either be jealous of or judge me for eating, then I feel it’s somehow justified.  So I just wanted to share with you the fact that I had a pizza burger the other night.  I love when you can get two things in one like that.  The pizza burger is the newest addition to the Boston Pizza menu.  I opted for the pepperoni and bacon one.  Because why wouldn’t you want the extra meat?

pizza burger

Pepperoni & bacon pizza burger at Boston Pizza

I used to be one of those people who always felt compelled to finish everything off their plate.  But on occasion I now find myself bringing home leftovers.  In this case, it’s understandable, because the pizza burger was pretty much like eating a pizza and a burger.  So really it was two meals in one.  Literally, because I ate the rest of it for lunch the following day.

Did you know that Boston Pizza actually puts instructions on their take home boxes as to what to do with your leftover food?  They tell you how long you have before you have to refrigerate it, how to store it, how to reheat it, and how many days you have left before you have to eat it.  And so I put it in the fridge when I got home, as it says to do so within two hours.  When I entered the kitchen, my dad looked at me, saw that I was wearing my boots and my jacket, and said, “Where are you going??” because it was late.  I then informed him that I’d just gotten home.  Apparently he didn’t realize I wasn’t in the house up until that moment.

boston pizza

Thanks for telling me what to do with my leftover food. I wouldn’t have known otherwise.

I also abided by the instruction of eating the food within one to two days.  Obviously.  Why would I leave it for three days?  I don’t have that kind of willpower.  I didn’t bother to divide my food.  It wasn’t a large amount.  And I completely ignored the reheating instructions.  I ate that pizza burger cold.  Because I’m a rebel like that.

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