Fifty-eighth day of work selfie

Why yes, this is a new dress.  Thanks for noticing.  I managed to drag my ass out of the house yesterday to go to Italian Day on Commercial Drive with my friend.  I’m not the hugest fan of street festivals, mainly because I hate crowds, but I like to attend them occasionally and it was fun.  Hot and crowded, but fun.  I shaved my legs really quickly in the morning before leaving the house, but my electric razor died before I was done.  But I figured it was okay that I didn’t fully shave, since that could be my way of celebrating Italian Day.  Since people in European countries aren’t as obsessed with shaving as we are in North America.  There were lots of booths and vendors selling various goods and food.  Of course I would stop to look at the ones with dresses.  I can’t remember which store this one was from, but they had a booth set up and some of the racks had dresses priced at 2 for $30.  So this is one of the 2 I decided on.  I didn’t try them on, so I wasn’t sure if they would fit properly, but I decided to risk it.  It’s a little loose, but otherwise fits well.  Better too big than too small, because I’m not going to try squish into a dress that doesn’t fit.  My only regret is that I didn’t buy a Janet Jackson shirt that they had in the same booth, especially since she’s touring this summer and I could’ve worn it to her concert.  But maybe I can go back and still find at some point.  I really like this dress because it’s so bright and colourful.  And it just so happened that my green Ross cardigan would match exactly the colour of green in the dress.  It’s like it was meant to be.  I wore it with my green and gold jewellery, necklace and ring from UBC, earrings from a Lansdowne kiosk, and bracelet from Dollarama.  Yay for adding more colourful dresses to my wardrobe!

Thirty-sixth day of work selfie

Okay, so this is definitely my new favourite blazer!  I noticed it when I was at London Drugs a few times, and eventually decided to try it on.  Then I didn’t buy it right away, but went back a couple days later and made it mine.  I’ve never bought clothes at London Drugs before.  Usually it’s my main stop for food and health and beauty essentials.  Who knew it was also a great place for professional clothing?  They sell Vero Moda stuff there now for decent prices so this may not be the end of my buying clothing there, since I love Vero Moda and Vero Moda blazers.  Grey may be considered kind of plain, but I just love the shape and the fit of this blazer so much.  I paired it with the blue dress that I had worn on my first day of work with a different Vero Moda blazer.  This dress just seems to go well with blazers.  I got this Swarovski necklace as a Christmas present a few years ago from my cousins.  It’s my favourite shorter necklace and I’ll be wearing it more now that it’s warmer and I don’t need to cover up with scarves.  I got my music note earrings at a jewellery vendor at the PNE last summer, along with a few other random silver earrings in the shapes of various objects.London Drugs might just be my new favourite clothing store.

“You’re too skinny” – A few thoughts on skinny shaming

During my morning commute a few weeks ago, I was scrolling through my Twitter feed and came across this post about Giuliana Rancic.  It was about her acknowledging her skinny frame and responding to people critiquing her for it.

I almost decided not to write this because I figured a lot of people would think that I’m defending a famous person who doesn’t need defending and such. Based upon a lot of the Twitter comments I read in reply to that tweet, there is a lot of hatred. Many people not even bothering to read the article, saying horrible things about her and how she needs to eat and how she’s terrible and many accusing her of just trying to get attention and make herself seem like a victim, in light of the recent Zendaya scandal. I merely want to express my thoughts on this article and the things that it made me reflect on. I was also fearful of the backlash I might receive, as is often the case, from people saying that skinny shaming isn’t a real thing and that by saying it is I’m just perpetuating and diminishing fat shaming. That’s not what I’m trying to do either.

Regardless of what her reasons are for this article, I agree with a lot of what Giuliana has to say. She mentions that there were a lot of rumours and accusations about her having an eating disorder. She also states that if she actually did have an eating disorder, this would not be the appropriate way for people to address it. If someone is struggling with an eating disorder, do you think by shaming them and getting angry with them, that you’re making the situation any better? People going through these things need support, not hate. Growing up, I often dealt with accusations that I had an eating disorder. In high school, one girl tried spreading a rumour that I was anorexic. I never understood why she felt the need to do that. These accusations would often come from people who themselves had issues with their own bodies, but it also came from others. Family, friends, acquaintances, anybody I met. I’ve had people ask me if I was anorexic, while I was eating food in front of them. It didn’t make any sense. It was as if they were using the word as a synonym for thin, not realizing that it implied a serious eating disorder.

While I’ve never had an eating disorder myself, I know that it a serious issue that many people face and that a lot of people, famous or not, struggle with body image.  Celebrities like P!nk and Kelly Clarkson, have recently spoken out against body shaming. There are numerous campaigns promoting loving your body and being happy with yourself and not adhering to a certain image or ideal and that’s great.  But there is still a lot of hatred.  Whether it is fat shaming or skinny shaming, it is still wrong.

One of the reason’s that Giuliana’s situation struck a cord with me, is because there are health issues involved.  She has fought cancer and says that some of the medication she takes causes weight loss.  Many have chimed in saying that she was already skinny before the cancer, trying to push that aside so they can still direct shame at her.  Health issues are not something that healthy individuals often think about or consider when judging another person.  There are all sorts of illnesses and medications that can cause either weight gain or weight loss and there is no way that you could fully know another person’s situation simply by looking at them.  Imagine how awful it would be if you were dealing with a chronic illness and on top of that, you had to deal with people criticizing your weight, which is something that your illness has influenced.

I have dealt with health issues myself, and in turn dealt with people questioning me about my weight and my diet.  I remember one time someone said to me “You’re so skinny, I love how you can just eat whatever you want and not gain weight!”  Normally, I wouldn’t argue, but that time I mumbled something about how I couldn’t actually eat whatever I wanted.  She then asked me if I was really strict with my diet, assuming that it was something I chose simply to maintain a certain weight.  I told her that I actually have food sensitivities and there are certain things I can’t eat.  There’s a huge difference between choosing to cut something out of your diet because you want to lose weight and actually not being able to eat something because it physically wreaks havoc on your body.  It’s not like, oh, I can’t eat this because I might gain a few pounds, it’s I can’t eat this because I will physically suffer as a result.

Another time, I had a friend question my dining choices and tell me outright that I was too skinny.  That’s when I told her I was actually on a modified diet due to health reasons.  I know that there are some people who don’t have any health issues and just have a fast metabolism and good genes and everyone envies them.  People start being hateful because of it.  But in Giuliana’s case, there is more to it than that.  A lot of people wish they could eat whatever they wanted and not gain weight, but would you still want that if it meant you had cancer or some type of chronic illness?  I’m guessing not.

The health aspect of body shaming is the one that I feel really strongly about. But even if there is no serious underlying health issue involved, it is still something that should not be tolerated.  I have other thoughts on the subject and could probably devote an entire blog to skinny shaming or body shaming alone.  But I won’t.  But I will very likely post about it again in the future.

A sign that I shouldn’t start blogging again

Today, being April Fool’s Day, life decided to play a cruel joke on me.  So yesterday when I got home from work, I made chicken, not because I wanted it for dinner, but because I wanted it for my lunch for today. Before I went to bed, I packed my lunch, a large container of rice, chicken, vegetables, and avocado. I was looking forward to it. Needless to say, I did not get to have it for lunch today. Did I forget it at home? No, that would be too easy. Where is my lunch now? Sitting on a bus somewhere. I left it on the damn bus. 

What’s particularly annoying is that I realized I’d forgotten it as soon as I got off, but by then it was too late. I watched the bus drive away, debating whether or not I should run after it. I work at a university, UBC to be specific. There’s a lot of construction, currently, and always, which makes it difficult to get around. At times, it can be like a massive obstacle course just getting from building to building. This being the case, I got off the bus at the stop before the bus loop, to save myself the time and effort of maneuvering around the construction in that area. Upon realizing what I left behind, I made my way to the bus loop, figuring that maybe, just maybe, I could flag down the bus before it left. Unfortunately for me, it took longer than I’d hoped, by the time I crossed the street twice and made my way over. 

Once there, I had no idea which bus was the bus I had been on, or if it was even still there. I saw a #43 bus, but it wasn’t the same #43 bus that I had been on. The loop is massive and buses are randomly parked and pulling up every which way. Some also change their number to NIS when they are parked, since they are not in service at the time. I tried to remember what the driver looked like, and I think I may have found the right bus. Sadly, I found it as it was driving away, out of the bus loop, and out of my life. Forever.

I called Translink but they have no direct contact with the drivers. I must have sounded so sad and pathetic reporting a lost lunch bag. But this wasn’t just any old lunch bag. In fact you would even know it was a lunch bag just by looking at it. It was one of those insulated ones that looks like a purse. When I would carry it around, it simply looked like it was a small purse. Not to mention the fork and the Tupperware container inside it. And the food. My food, damnit! I spent all day thinking about the great meal I could have had but didn’t. It doesn’t matter much in the grand scheme of things. But imagine if I had lost a twenty dollar bill on the bus instead. When you add up the cost of the bag and the food and everything, it’s basically the same thing. I also take care to prepare my lunch every day because I have some dietary restrictions which can make it difficult to find something suitable when eating out. I ended up having to buy a sad looking bagel sandwich, which was very unsatisfying.

 So yeah. First world problem at its finest. But why, you ask, should I take this as a sign that I shouldn’t start blogging again? Well, when I was getting off the bus, I was in the midst of publishing my previous blog post this morning. And that distraction is what caused me to be so neglectful as to forget my damn lunch purse on the ground beside my seat. For some reason, the WordPress app kept on logging me out of my account, as I tried desperately to save and publish my post. I managed to do so, but at what cost?

I suppose it could have also happened in order to give my something random and unnewsworthy to blog about right now. But it’s not as if I’m going to run out of material anytime soon.

Leaving for Las Vegas

<—–Previous Vegas Post

On May 15th, I hopped on a plane to go to Vegas for Bloggers in Sin City.  I took a giant suitcase that I didn’t actually fill up.  Because clearly I needed to make sure there was ample extra space in there for any and all purchases I might possibly probably definitely make while I was there.  I had done this before.  I knew what I was doing.  My dad was nice enough to drive me to the airport, which was great because I didn’t want to have to spend money on a cab before going, as I knew I’d likely be spending a lot of money on cabs in Vegas.  And taking public transit with a giant suitcase, a carry on, and a giant purse?  Doable, but not at all ideal.

I went through bag check, security, and customs pretty quickly.  A lot faster than I was used to in the past.  It seemed so much less stressful to travel alone, with no one pestering me about whether I have everything or warning me not to lose things or making sure we’re on time.  Why did it take me this long to actually take a trip by myself?  It’s something I would totally like to do more often.

Guess who got “randomly selected” for a pat down at security?  Yeah, I’m used it.  Although at this point I’m pretty sure there’s nothing random about it.  My friend asked me if it was a hot guy doing the pat down.  Nope.  Instead, it was an old Filipino lady.  She gave me a choice and said I could either go into that large scanner booth, or get a pat down.  I opted for the pat down.  Then she asked if I wanted the pat down to be done in the private booth.  I said no, I was fine just doing it there.  I wanted witnesses.  Something about the need for a private booth made it seem like there would be more than just a pat down.  If it isn’t enough that your shoes are already off, they make you lean against the wall, bend over, and let them look under your feet as well.

Customs was better than security.  When the guy asked me what I was going to Vegas for, I said “A blogging conference.”  And then he asked what that meant.  He was like “Is that just like a let’s all meet up in Vegas thing?” and I said yes.  And then he asked me what I blogged about.  I believe my answer was something like “Just random stuff.”  I wanted to say “I blog about awkward interactions with airport customs agents,” but I somehow felt that would not be the best response.

I was really bored while waiting for my flight, so I decided to text people and browse the internet.  Because that’s what an iPhone is for, right?  But the battery life on that thing is so shitty that I had to stop at some point or else it would have been drained before I even got on the plane.  There was an “Everything under $20” store right by my gate.  Because of course there was.  Why wouldn’t they want to entice me to start spending money before even getting to Vegas, where I would inevitably be spending even more money?  I resisted for a while then decided to take a look.  Apparently “everything under $20” means, everything is $19.99.  I decided to save my money for more important things.  Like food and drinks and slot machines.

I flew with West Jet, which I thought was supposed to be a good airline.  But for the first time ever, there were no TVs and not even any music on the flight.  I mean understand that it was a short flight so there wasn’t much point in beginning to watch a movie.  But I expected little TV screens with the option to watch a show.  Nope.  Despite my disappointment, the flight went smoothly and I arrived when I was supposed to.

And now I’ll stop boring you with the unnecessary details of my flight and proceed to actually talk about Vegas.  You know, when I feel like it.

Next Vegas Post—–>

I’ve been neglecting my one true love

Surprisingly, I’m not even talking about TV. Shocking, I know. I love more than just TV. Even if I do often refer to it as my boyfriend. And no, it’s not my phone. My phone had a chance but it just keeps disappointing me. And it’s not food either. Or shoes. Or strippers.

So who or what am I talking about? Let’s face it, it’s obviously a what. Of course I would never express my love for an actual person. What do you take me for, a normal human being? Clearly that’s not the case.

What is my one true love? Writing. It always has been, though we have drifted apart at certain times in my life. But I am always happy to reconnect with it.

I don’t know why I haven’t had the time lately. I don’t think I have any more of a life right now than I did at this time last year. And I feel like I was writing a lot more at this time last year. It’s hard to find a balance between life and writing about life.

It’s sad that when I do have free moments in time, other things will often win out over writing. Like watching TV. I guess it’s because TV requires no effort from me whatsoever and can be completely mindless. Not that I don’t often sit and write mindlessly, because I do, but it’s a different form of mindlessness. And I feel better about it. Unlike watching TV, writing allows me to be a part of the process, and to have accomplished something in the end. It doesn’t even matter if it’s good or if anyone reads it. All that matters is I’ve done something that’s my own.

Unlike shoe shopping, or any kind of shopping, writing costs me nothing. Except time. But I enjoy that time immensely. Some people think it’s a waste, but I don’t think anything is a waste if you enjoy it. I think it would be more of a waste for me not to write.

I don’t always take pictures of my food, but when I do, I post them on Facebook

Don’t you just hate those people who take pictures of their food?  It’s so unnecessary, right?  I mean the food is there for you to eat, not to look at.  I used to judge those people.  And lo and behold, I became one of them.  I don’t always take pictures of my food.  But when I do, I post them on Facebook.  I’m not one of those people who has to instagram every single thing she eats.  I don’t even have instagram actually.  Which is probably for the best.

If I’m eating something bland or unexciting, then I see no reason to have to share it with the world.  But when it’s some sort of unique concoction that I know people would either be jealous of or judge me for eating, then I feel it’s somehow justified.  So I just wanted to share with you the fact that I had a pizza burger the other night.  I love when you can get two things in one like that.  The pizza burger is the newest addition to the Boston Pizza menu.  I opted for the pepperoni and bacon one.  Because why wouldn’t you want the extra meat?

pizza burger

Pepperoni & bacon pizza burger at Boston Pizza

I used to be one of those people who always felt compelled to finish everything off their plate.  But on occasion I now find myself bringing home leftovers.  In this case, it’s understandable, because the pizza burger was pretty much like eating a pizza and a burger.  So really it was two meals in one.  Literally, because I ate the rest of it for lunch the following day.

Did you know that Boston Pizza actually puts instructions on their take home boxes as to what to do with your leftover food?  They tell you how long you have before you have to refrigerate it, how to store it, how to reheat it, and how many days you have left before you have to eat it.  And so I put it in the fridge when I got home, as it says to do so within two hours.  When I entered the kitchen, my dad looked at me, saw that I was wearing my boots and my jacket, and said, “Where are you going??” because it was late.  I then informed him that I’d just gotten home.  Apparently he didn’t realize I wasn’t in the house up until that moment.

boston pizza

Thanks for telling me what to do with my leftover food. I wouldn’t have known otherwise.

I also abided by the instruction of eating the food within one to two days.  Obviously.  Why would I leave it for three days?  I don’t have that kind of willpower.  I didn’t bother to divide my food.  It wasn’t a large amount.  And I completely ignored the reheating instructions.  I ate that pizza burger cold.  Because I’m a rebel like that.

Free birthday pasta at Boston Pizza

Two days after my birthday, I decided to use my Boston Pizza birthday deal.  If you sign up for the Boston Pizza email club, you get a coupon for either a free pasta or a free dessert.  Since the pastas cost more than the desserts, it seemed only logical to redeem the coupon for a free pasta.

I met my friends at the Boston Pizza on Broadway after work.  Unlike the Red Robin on Broadway, the Boston Pizza does still exist.  I’m glad I avoided having two fails in a row.  That would have been embarrassing.

I chose spaghetti and meatballs for my dinner.  Simple, yet delicious.  And it came with garlic bread.  The portions are huge, so I still had some leftover as well.  And it’s very rare for me to have any leftovers.


Spaghetti and meatballs

Stella Artois happened to be on special that day.  When I went to Red Robin, I didn’t get asked for my ID.  I was surprised, since I get ID’d everywhere.  I thought maybe now that I was 24, that was it.  But I was mistaken.  I got ID’d at Boston Pizza.  I’m pretty sure my waiter was younger than me too.  Oh well.  He brought me my beer and that’s all that matters.


Stella Artois

When you sign up for the Boston Pizza newsletter, not only do they send you a coupon on your birthday, you also get a coupon for a free starter, just for signing up.  I didn’t want to use two coupons in one day.  I’m not sure if you’re allowed.  So the following week, I went to the Boston Pizza on No. 3 Road in Richmond and got my free Boston Pizza bread with bolognese dip.


Boston Pizza bread

There was no Stella on special that day, so I opted for a cocktail.  I don’t remember what it was exactly.  It was sweet.  And I loved how it came with a gummy worm.  That’s true class and maturity right there.


Cocktail with a gummy worm

The Boston Pizza deal is pretty awesome, since you get an entire pasta and they give you over a week to redeem it.  And the starter is a nice bonus.  The only way it could be better is if they offered free birthday drinks as well.  But that’s probably asking for too much.  I’m more than happy with free pasta and bread.  I love my carbs.