Ninety-eighth day of work selfie

This dress isn’t new, I just haven’t worn it in a while.  I got it at Suzy Shier a few years ago.  Pink and orange have never really been colours I wear a lot of, although I have been wearing more pink this summer.  I don’t own very many orange clothes.  But I like this dress.  My navy blue cardigan is from La Vie En Rose.  I don’t have any orange sweaters, and I felt if I wore my pink one it would just be too bright of an outfit.  My pink flip flop necklace is from UBC and my pink flip flop earrings are from Claire’s.  I really like these pieces of jewellery because they showcase my love for shoes without me having to actually buy a new pair of shoes.  My pink bracelet is from a Christmas craft fair at Steveston Community centre in Richmond last year and my orange ring is from the Greek Day street festival on West Broadway in June. 

Ninety-sixth day of work selfie

I love long dresses because you don’t have to shave and no one will know.  Unless you decide to blog about how you haven’t shaved.  I got this long dress at the Khatsahlano Street Festival on West 4th last month.  I’m used to buying a lot of shorter dresses, so this one was kind of different and I loved the colour scheme.  When I left the house this morning, my dad asked “New dress?” and I said “What do you mean by new?” and he said “You haven’t worn it to work yet?” and I said “Yeah.”  How much time has to pass before an item is no longer considered new?

I got this purple sweater at H&M at Richmond Centre.  My black necklace is from Claire’s and my black bracelet is from a Christmas craft fair at Stevetson Community Centre in Richmond last year.  My purple clothespin earrings and my purple ring are both from Greek Day on Broadway.  Sadly, my hair is no longer straight.  Because I washed it again and it takes a long ass time just to dry, so forget straightening.  But I think it’s still slightly less messy than it was when it was longer.

Ninety-fourth day of work selfie 

I got this long dress at Ross Dress For Less in the States a few years ago but I never really wore it.  I’m just not used to long dresses, but I’m beginning to like them more now.  My black cardigan is from Sirens.  My pink flip flop necklace is from UBC and my pink flip flop earrings are from Claire’s.  My bracelet is from a Christmas craft fair at Steveston Community Centre in Richmond and my ring is from the Greek Day street festival on West Broadway.  My nails still match this outfit because there is a little bit of blue in my dress. 

Ninety-second day of work selfie

I got this colourful dress at the Fiji Day festival at Swanguard Stadium in Burnaby a few weeks ago.  I wore it to the Vancouver Pride Parade on Sunday because it’s so bright and colourful.  My matching blue cardigan is from Ross Dress For Less in the States.  My necklace is from UBC and my earrings are from Claire’s.  My bracelet is from Sears and my ring is from the Blim Market festival downtown.  I finally washed my hair this weekend and then straightened it myself.  I will never be able to get it back to salon quality, but at least it still looks decent.  I got a shellac manicure and pedicure at Beauty Lounge in Richmond yesterday with a Groupon I bought.  This bright royal blue is my favourite colour.  Hopefully it will last for a while. 

Seventy-fourth day of work selfie

I thought I’d wear another one of my colourful dresses again.  It’s possible that I got this dress from Winners but I’m really not sure.  I guess we’ll never know.  I got the sweater from H&M.  My pink bracelet is from a Christmas craft fair at Steveston Community Centre in Richmond.  My black beaded necklace and my small hoop earrings are from Claire’s.  And my ring is from Boca Raton Designs at Greek Day.  The guy eventually did respond to my message and said I could still exchange the rings for a bigger size at his next event.  But I’m not sure what his next event will be.  And I’ve already worn them.  And once the heat subsides, they may not be too tight.  So whatever.

Fifty-seventh day of work selfie

I feel like I should have worn pants and a jacket today.  Despite the sunshine, it was so damn windy this morning.  And of course it’s always on the excessively windy or rainy or cold days that the buses decide to show up late.  The wind messed up my already messy hair even more.  But I’m going to go ahead and let my outfit embody spring even if the weather doesn’t.  I got this dress at a random tourist shop in Las Vegas and this sweater at a random store that used to be in Richmond.  My necklace and ring are from a random UBC vendor and my earrings are from a random mall kiosk.  The weather is actually a lot nicer in the afternoon and evening.  Perhaps I should wear a different outfit in the morning and then change later on?  But then would I have to take two work selfies if I did that?  Seems a bit excessive.  You know, even more so than the idea of taking daily selfies in the first place.

In defence of narcissism

(I just spent a few minutes distraught over the spelling of the word “defence.”  I actually like the look of “defense” better.  But defense is the American way, and defence is the British and Canadian way.  So I guess I’ll have to stick with that.)

I’m a self-identified narcissist.  I wasn’t always.  No one has actually ever outright told me that I was a narcissist.  A few may have strongly implied it.  My friend asked me why I thought I was narcissistic and I asked “Would a non-narcissistic person post daily selfies of herself?”  Well, would they?  I’d like to know.  It’s more something I joke about than something I’m actually concerned about.  Being too narcissistic is definitely the least of my worries.  It’s not even on my list of worries really.  I use the hashtags #narcissist and #vanity on Instagram whenever I post photos of myself.  I used to actually hate selfies.  Like, really hate them.  I thought they were something that only extremely self-absorbed, narcissistic individuals did.  And then I realized that I am a self-absorbed, narcissistic individual.  And I embraced it full on.

Throughout my life, I’ve always seen things about “learning to love yourself” and “being happy with who you are.”  It’s kind of sad that these are messages that have to be repeated over and over again to such a strong degree, because it implies that a lot of people don’t love themselves and aren’t happy with who they are.  And that’s really sad.  Every person in the world has some degree of insecurity about themselves.  No one is perfect.  I’ll bet even Beyonce has moments when she doesn’t feel absolutely flawless, as shocking as that may sound.  Even the richest and most powerful people in the world must have moments where they wish at least one little thing about them was different.

I feel like the whole idea of loving yourself is embraced by society, but only up to a certain point.  As if you should love yourself, but not love yourself too much.  Because then you’re just seen as selfish and self absorbed.  I don’t mean you should only and always put yourself first and say to hell with everyone else, but you are important.  I don’t think I’ve always been narcissistic.  As I child, I don’t think I was.  I often joke about hating myself and use self deprecating humour whenever I have the chance.  But in order to really pull off self deprecating humour, and to have the ability to laugh at yourself, I think you need and possess a certain degree of self confidence and security.  Otherwise it’s less humorous and more depressing.  I don’t like to boast about my accomplishments and achievements the way some people do.  Maybe I would, if I’d accomplished more in my life.  I also don’t need to post daily selfies.  It’s just something that I do.

I’ve also seen a lot of articles about “learning to do things alone” and “making time for yourself.”  It seems odd to me that these are things that people need to learn how to do.  I’ve always done things by myself and thought nothing of it.  It took a while for me to realize that not everyone feels secure doing things on their own, especially when they are so used to having someone always be there.  Going to a concert alone seems like such a foreign concept to some people.  Like they wouldn’t be caught dead doing so and to do so would somehow be pathetic.  But why?  Why do we feel the need to have someone accompany us to all things all the time?  I’ve been to concerts and other various events by myself and had a great time.  Some people would hate the idea of being alone on a Friday or Saturday night, but sometimes it’s nice to have a night off to yourself to just relax and do whatever you feel like doing or not doing.

One of the main reasons why it’s important to be comfortable with yourself and who you are and make yourself a priority is because you’re stuck with yourself.  Your relationship with yourself is the most secure one in your life.  You can’t take a break from yourself.  You can’t take a night off from yourself.  You are always there.  You are always you.  How awful would life be if you were stuck with a person you didn’t like 24/7?  It would be truly miserable.  Loving and appreciating yourself for who you are, despite your flaws, is essential if you want to get through life and not be unhappy.  This doesn’t mean you have to take selfies, or love the way you look, or shun everyone else.  But as long as whatever you’re doing that makes you happy isn’t hurting anyone, then I say go for it.

I found myself wondering the other day if a person could go to rehab for narcissistic personality.  But I wouldn’t want to go for a cure, I’d just want to go because rehab always sounds fabulous, at least when rich celebrities do it.  Maybe I’m not actually a narcissist.  Do truly narcissistic people even realize that they’re narcissists?  Sometimes you need to be a little self-absorbed, especially if you have health concerns or legitimate reasons that you need to take extra care of yourself.  I think that it’s possible to be narcissistic in a good way, as long as your narcissism isn’t having a negative impact on the people around you, and as long as you are still capable of extending love to others, as well as yourself.

I do realize that today’s society is filled with selfish people and if certain individuals were to think of others instead of themselves for a change, that would do some good.  But in contrast, I also believe there are many people who neglect themselves and don’t put enough focus on embracing who they are.  I think it’s important to strive to achieve a healthy balance of valuing yourself and valuing other people.


Because this wouldn’t be a post about narcissism if I didn’t include a selfie

Twenty-fourth day of work selfie

Like so many other dresses I own, I purchased this navy one at Ross Dress For Less in the States.  It’s kind of low cut and would be better suited to someone with bigger boobs to fill it out, so I wore an Old Navy tank top underneath.  I got this green sweater from some random store in Richmond that I don’t think exists anymore.  The scarf with the flowers is from Avon and my necklace and ring are from a UBC student union building vendor.  The earrings are possibly from Payless.  And I have no idea where the bracelet is from.  Possibly Suzy Shier, but I’m probably wrong.  But you know what’s not wrong?  The fact that I pulled off this outfit. 

Nineteenth day of work selfie

I met my friend for brunch at the Elbow Room a few weekends ago and had time to kill downtown after we parted ways.  Naturally, I decided to go shopping at Pacific Centre.  I realize that it’s not that much of a novelty shopping at H&M downtown anymore, since we now have our own location at Richmond Centre.  But the Richmond one doesn’t have two floors and three sets of fitting rooms.  And I’m just not completely used to it yet.  So I went and bought this dress at the H&M at Pacific Centre.  I ended up coincidentally wearing it on 4/20, realizing after the fact that some of the green leaves on it kind of resemble marijuana leaves.  I didn’t partake in 4/20, but this outfit may have ended up smelling like I did, since I happened to go out for dinner downtown that day.  This light green cardigan is one of my favourite non-bra items that I bought while working at Jacob Lingerie.  I love buying clothes at lingerie stores because they totally work for everyday wear and no one would know the difference.  I remember my manager asking me if I was sure I wanted it and I was.  I’m glad I did because it’s perfect for hot days when you just need something light.  Plus it has pockets!  I couldn’t find a green scarf that day, so I settled on this black Orb one instead.  Pretty much every time I wear green, I ended up including this leaf necklace in my outfit, because it’s fabulous.

Aren’t you just green with envy?

Second day of work selfie

On my second day of work, I wore a new grey dress I bought at Old Navy with my super cash I had from all the money I spent there before Christmas. My metallic scarf is from a kiosk at Metrotown. My zippered black sweater is from Ross. I got the heart necklace at a Christmas Craft fair at Steveston Community Centre in Richmond. I bought a second ring from the vendor at the UBC student union building because one ring is never enough, despite what Lord of the Rings may have you believe.